How to perform DNA test?

How to perform DNA test?

DNA test is a general name given to tests providing to understand if there is biological relationship between individuals. DNA test examining relationships between father and child is called paternity test. Similarly, it is called maternity test if the test examines relationships between mother and child. In addition to paternity and maternity tests, there are several types such as sibling test, grandfather-grandson test, and avuncular test.

Since the remaining 0.1 % part of DNA showing 99.9 % similarity shows difference between individuals, it is used in DNA tests. Personal part in this 0.1 % part is detected and the result is obtained by performing DNA profiling.

How to perform paternity test and other DNA tests?

DNA test procedure works in this way for test participants:

  • Detection of proper test type and test participants according to tested line of descent
  • Order of proper test kit
  • Collection of mouth swab samples by using cotton swabs sent with test kit
  • Delivery of collected mouth swab samples to the laboratory
  • Giving permission for DNA test by test participants and official parents of under 18 years-old children
  • Receiving test result


DNA test procedure works in this way for laboratory:


  • Detection of proper test type and test participants according to tested line of descent
  • Shipment of proper test kit
  • Receiving mouth swab samples and permissions to the laboratory
  • DNA isolation from mouth swab samples found on cotton swabs
  • Amplification of tested gene regions with a technique called PCR
  • Separation of mixed DNA pieces according to their lengths with a technique called electrophoresis
  • Obtaining DNA profiles according to separated DNA pieces
  • Comparison of DNA profiles of all test participants
  • Performing statistical analysis
  • Reporting result according to similarity percentage

Delivery of test results to participants